MSI - DFAT SERVICES, LLC is honored to be invited to join the 2024 Artemis Conference in Washington, D.C., Feb. 26-28! 👩🚀 🚀 🌖
We look forward to collaborating with industry, congress, and the space community to help the United States return the moon with NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Artemis program.
Connect with Robert G. and Bradley Hope to support your mission's success!
🔊 🔊 🚀 🛰 🌖
Aerojet Rocketdyne Boeing Satellite Systems International, Inc. Maxar Space Systems Northrop Grumman BLUE ORIGIN Collins Aerospace SpaceX Axiom Space Lockheed Martin Space Jacobs Bechtel Corporation
#NASA #Artemis #DFAT #AcousticQualificationTest #StructuralDynamics #Vibration #Acoustics #ToTheMoon #AdAstra #Moonshot #RocketScience #Space